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How to Develop a PL/pgSQL Function That Returns a Table

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to develop PostgreSQL functions that return a table using PL/pgSQL.

To define a function that returns a table, you use the following form of the create function statement:

create or replace function function_name (
returns table ( column_list )
language plpgsql
-- variable declaration
-- body

Instead of returning a single value, this syntax allows you to return a table with a specified column list:

returns table ( column_list )

We will use the film table from the sample database for the demonstration:

The following function returns all films whose titles match a particular pattern using the ILIKE operator.

create or replace function get_film (
  p_pattern varchar
returns table (
	film_title varchar,
	film_release_year int
language plpgsql
as $$
	return query
			title ilike p_pattern;

This get_film(varchar) accepts one parameter p_pattern, which is a pattern you want to match with the film title.

The function returns a query set based on a select statement. You need to ensure that the columns in the result set match those you define in the table after the returns table clause.

Since the data type of release_year column from the film table is not an integer, you need to cast it to an integer using the cast operator ::.

The following shows how to call the get_film() function:

SELECT * FROM get_film ('Al%');


film_title    | film_release_year
 Alabama Devil    |              2006
 Aladdin Calendar |              2006
 Alamo Videotape  |              2006
 Alaska Phantom   |              2006
 Ali Forever      |              2006
 Alice Fantasia   |              2006
 Alien Center     |              2006
 Alley Evolution  |              2006
 Alone Trip       |              2006
 Alter Victory    |              2006
(10 rows)

If you call the function using the following statement, PostgreSQL returns a table that consists of one column that holds an array of rows:

SELECT get_film ('Al%');


 ("Alabama Devil",2006)
 ("Aladdin Calendar",2006)
 ("Alamo Videotape",2006)
 ("Alaska Phantom",2006)
 ("Ali Forever",2006)
 ("Alice Fantasia",2006)
 ("Alien Center",2006)
 ("Alley Evolution",2006)
 ("Alone Trip",2006)
 ("Alter Victory",2006)
(10 rows)

In practice, you often process each row before appending it to the function’s result set:

create or replace function get_film (
	p_pattern varchar,
	p_year int
returns table (
	film_title varchar,
	film_release_year int
language plpgsql
as $$
    var_r record;
	for var_r in(
            select title, release_year
            from film
	     where title ilike p_pattern and
		    release_year = p_year
        ) loop  film_title := upper(var_r.title) ;
		film_release_year := var_r.release_year;
           return next;
	end loop;
end; $$

In this example, we create the get_film(varchar,int) that accepts two parameters:

  • The p_pattern is used to search for films.
  • The p_year is the release year of the films.

In the function body, we use a for loop statement to process the query, row by row.

The return next statement adds a row to the returned table of the function.

The following illustrates how to call the get_film() function:

SELECT * FROM get_film ('%er', 2006);


film_title          | film_release_year
 ACE GOLDFINGER              |              2006
 ALI FOREVER                 |              2006
 ALIEN CENTER                |              2006
 AMISTAD MIDSUMMER           |              2006
 DYING MAKER                 |              2006
 BIRDCAGE CASPER             |              2006


  • Use the returns table (column_list) in the create function to define a function that returns a table (or result set).

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