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PostgreSQL Tutorial/Math Functions

PostgreSQL Math Functions

This page provides the most commonly used PostgreSQL Math functions that help you perform various math operations quickly and effectively.

ABSCalculate the absolute value of a number.ABS(-10)10
CBRTCalculate the cube root of a number.CBRT(8)2
CEILRound a number to the nearest integer greater than or equal to a specified number.CEIL(-12.8)-12
DEGREESConvert radians to degrees.DEGREES(PI())180
DIVReturn the integer quotient of two numeric values.DIV(8,3)2
EXPReturn the exponential of a number.EXP(1)2.71
FACTORIALCalculate the factorial of a number.FACTORIAL(5)120
FLOORRound a number down to the nearest integer, which is less than or equal to the number.FLOOR(10.6)10
GCDCalculate the greatest common divisor of two numbers.GCD(8,12)4
LCMCalculate the least common multiples of two numbers.LCM(8,12)24
LNReturn the natural logarithm of a numeric value.LN(3)1.0986
LOGReturn the base 10 logarithms of a numeric value.LOG(1000)3
LOGReturn the logarithm of a numeric value to a specified base.LOG(2, 64)6
MIN_SCALEReturn the minimum scale of a number.MIN_SCALE(12.300)2
MODDivide the first parameter by the second one and return the remainder.MOD(10,4)2
PIReturn the value of PI.PI()3.14159
POWERRaise a number to a specific power.POWER(5, 3)125
RADIANSConvert degrees to radiansRADIANS(180)3.14159
ROUNDRound a number to the nearest integer with the number of decimal places.ROUND(10.3)10
SCALEReturn the count of decimal digits in the fractional part of a number, which is a scale.SCALE(1.234)3
SIGNReturn -1 if the number is negative, 0 if the number is zero, and 1 if the number is positive.SIGN(-1)-1
SQRTReturn the square root of a numeric value.SQRT(3.0)1.73205
TRIM_SCALEReduce the scale of a number by removing trailing zeroes.TRIM_SCALE(12.300)12.3
TRUNCTruncate a numeric value to a whole number of the specified decimal placesTRUNC(12.3)12
WIDTH_BUCKETAssign a numeric value to a bucket in an equiwidth histogram.WIDTH_BUCKET(1,1,10,5)1
RANDOMGenerate a random number between 0 and 1RANDOM()0.9684

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